PET Tracer Production Systems

The SHI Group continues to lead in the synthesis system of tracer RI for PET scans.

Click here for detailed information about PET Tracer Production Systems


An in-house synthesis system is provided for tracer RIs, encompassing nuclear species manufacturing to the administration of medications.

Flow of medication synthesis

(nuclear species production)
Synthesizing equipment
(RI synthesis)
Quality control equipment
(quality screening)
Automatic administering equipment
(administration of medications)

Synthesizing equipment

Radioactive isotopes produced by a cyclotron are synthesized to become tracer RIs. Synthesizing equipment that supports the synthesis of tracer RIs for 18F-FDG, Fcholine, NAF, FDOPA, 11C-Methionone, and 15O-gas or 15O-H2O is available, with requests taken to create synthesis equipment for research or medical purposes.
The ample product line includes low running cost models, simplified cassette type models, as well as high absorption rate models.

Quality control equipment

Quality screenings are conducted on tracer RIs produced by synthesis equipment. Quality screenings are automated and are effective for reducing the radiation exposure of medication testers, to improve work operational efficiency, as well as to sort out the ledgers of the screening results.

Automatic administering equipment

Administers tracer RIs to test subjects. It is effective for reducing the radiation exposure of medication testers, as well as for improving work operational efficiency.

18F-FDG synthesis equipment
Auto Injector AI300

Support framework for peace of mind

The SHI Group is the only Japanese manufacturer delivering cyclotrons for PET and providing support for PET diagnostics in Japan, from development through to after sales service, backed by an infallible framework.
(A manufacturing location was established in Niihama City, in Ehime Prefecture, with service sites established at eight locations nationwide from Hokkaido to Kyushu in order to provide speedy service.)
Operation training given at the launch of a facility, as well as the dispatch of operators, are provided by the SHI Accelerator Service Ltd., (our wholly owned subsidiary).

Product lines

For detailed information about the products please contact



Industrial Equipment Div.


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