Materials Procurement
Procurement Policy
Sumitomo Heavy Industries aims to provide valuable products and services to satisfy our client's needs. To this end, the Company engages in procurement activities based on the following basic policies:
- We aim to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with vendors that are price competitive in the global marketplace.
- We aim to establish an optimal global procurement system by forming relationships with vendors from around the world.
- Price competitive, and displays the capacity to achieve continuous cost reductions, quality improvements, performance, reliability, technological development, and VE proposal abilities.
- Capacity to provide a stable supply of products in compliance with deadlines.
- Maintenance and aftercare service
- Management stability
Vendors will be selected based on economic feasibility after considering the above points.
- In general, vital materials will be procured from multiple vendors through the Procurement Department, which has the final say on transaction decisions.
- In accordance with the relevant laws and societal norms, no confidential information obtained from a transaction with a vendor will be disclosed to a third party.
- The Company will make efforts to consider the security of the environment during its procurement of materials.
Organizational Structure for Procurement
Head Office

Operating Divisions

Responsible Procurement
As we, the Sumitomo Heavy Industries (SHI) Group will promote responsible procurement activities throughout our supply chain by working with suppliers to resolve sustainability-related issues in the spirit of respecting human rights, valuing compliance, and protecting the environment, based on our own transactions in a fair, equitable, and transparent manner.
Declaration of Partnership Development
CSR Procurement or any other issues related to our business dealings, please enter them here.
(This contact is the point to inform any problems that arise between our group and our suppliers.)
*Please note that this contact form is not intended for inquiries or sales pitches.