SHI Group's Sustainability
Under the Basic Sustainability Policy, the SHI Group will promote more robust and sustainable corporate activities focused on addressing our materialities to live up to the trust of our stakeholders.
Basic Sustainability Policy
In March 2020, the SHI Group established the "Basic Sustainability Policy(Last update: July 2024)" by resolution of the Board of Directors, with the aim of integrating sustainability into business activities.
We will establish the Basic Sustainability Policy based on our management philosophy and ethical code, and work on material issues in our business activities.
Based on “Sumitomo's Business Philosophy”, Sumitomo Heavy Industries' Group’s “Purpose” and the “Business Principles”, we conduct corporate management by enhancing both social and corporate value for the realization of a sustainable society.We have clarified these ideas as a basic sustainability policy.
- 1We shall provide products and services that contribute to economic and technological development and aim for our sustainable growth.
- 2We shall make every effort to minimize the environmental load in all of our business activities, including the entire product life cycle.
In addition, we shall protect the safety, security and health of every person involved in any corporate activities and create a workplace where everyone of us can work vibrantly. - 3We shall ensure thorough corporate ethics and improve management soundness and transparency.
Promotion System
The Sustainability Department of the Corporate Planning Group, which oversees sustainability activities, plays a central role in sharing the measures and progress of material issues with the relevant departments of the Head Office.

Sustainability Committee: Held twice a year
We established the Sustainability Committee in March 2021 for the purpose of deliberating and monitoring sustainability issues from medium- to long-term perspective, and executing and driving Group-wide sustainability strategies.
This committee is chaired by the president (Member of the Board), composed of executive officers and executive officers of each business division. In addition, outside directors attend the meeting to reflect external knowledge and experience in the committee's decision-making, and corporate auditors also attend the meeting as observers from the standpoint of auditing business execution.
This Committee deliberates policies, material issues, and measures relating to the promotion of sustainability, and reports to the Board of Directors.
Sustainability regular meeting: Held once a month
The members of the Sustainability Department of the Corporate Planning Group share information and discuss issues on a monthly basis.
Reporting at the Head Office managers' meeting: Held once a year at each managers' meeting
The progress of material issues are reported at the Development Division Managers' Meeting, Design Division Managers' Meeting, Manufacturing Division Managers' Meeting, Environmental Management Meeting, Procurement Managers' Meeting, Safety Managers' Meeting, Audit & Supervisory Board Members' Meeting and General Administration Group Leader Meeting.
Public Relations and Sustainability committee members
Sustainability Department have commissioned public relations and sustainability committee members as contact points for sustainability information for business units, affiliated companies, and factories, and are promoting information sharing and educational activities.
Activities Toward Promoting Sustainability
The Sustainability Department of the Corporate Planning Group plays a central role in promoting various efforts, such as education and campaign activities and deliver information.
Deliver Information
- Intranet portal site, "Sustainability-Navi"
To ensure smooth information sharing within our Group, the site provides various information, such as the messages from the President, interviews with employees, and news within the SHI Group.
- Internal newsletter, "Quartet" (4 issues per year)
- The newsletter delivers sustainability information as part of its permanent content.
Education and campaigns
- Poster production
We make posters for building pride in employees of our group and post them at each business divisions and Group company.
The catchphrase used in the poster for FY2020 was "One step closer to the future", expressing the commitment of our Group to "steadily advance the world to make a better society".
- Dialogue with business divisions
From 2017 to 2019, we had dialogue sessions with a total of 20 business divisions and Group companies to reaffirm the social significance of our business and how to solve social issues through our business.
We provided opportunities for the business managers to report the results to president and CEO and discussed and shared the social value and environmental value provided by our group.
Through these dialogue activities, we sorted out the social value provided by our group's products and services and identified material issues.
- Organizational revitalization project
Working in collaboration with PTC Division, we implemented the "organizational revitalization project" for employees of the PTC Division and its group companies.
The project held three workshops/events, "SDGs x Lego® Workshop", "Social Studies Tour for Adults - Nagoya Port Container Terminal" and "SDGs Outside-in Workshop" participated by a total of 171 employees.