Message from the President
President and CEO
Shinji Shimomura
Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. was founded in 1888 as the "manufacturing company" responsible for manufacturing and repairing machinery and tools used for the development of the Besshi Cooper Mine, the founder of the Sumitomo Group.
Since the foundation, we have provided a wide variety of products and services that meet demands of the times as a comprehensive machinery manufacturer under the corporate mission of "contributing to the society through first-class products and services" inheriting the Sumitomo's Business Philosophy.
In recent years, many social issues, such as climate change, depletion of resources, expansion of economic gaps, and decrease in working-age population in developed countries, have been globally becoming more serious, and the role required of companies is becoming more important.
In order for the Group to continue to grow in the future, it is necessary to enhance our corporate value in society while trying to solve social issues.
In March 2020, we identified seven material issues consisting of "material issues of value creation" and "underlying material issues" as issues that should be prioritized. These are intended to clarify the roles to be played.
Employee safety and health is top priorities in "underlying material issues". We aim to earn the trust of our customers, business partners, and local communities by thoroughly instilling our management philosophy and ethical rules within the company to ensure legal compliance and quality assurance.
On the other hand, in "Important Issues for Value Creation," we aim to contribute to society by understanding social problems from a proactive perspective, creating products and services that solve those social problems.
Solving social issues is a duty of our generation. Toward the fulfillment of this responsibility, we will live up to the trust of our stakeholders by sustainable and stronger corporate activities through promotion of our initiatives for accomplishment of those materialities and our business activities in tandem.
We appreciate your continued support.