SHI Concludes MOU on Boron Neutron Capture Therapy System with Fujita Health University, Atransen Pharma, Stella Pharma, and Fujita

December 25, 2024

Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Head Office: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director, President, and CEO: Shinji Shimomura; hereinafter “SHI”) has concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter “MOU”) to promote research and development of deep-seated tumor treatment using the Boron Neutron Capture Therapy System (hereinafter “BNCT”) with Fujita Health University, Fujita Academy (Headquarters: Toyoake-shi, Aichi; Chairman, Board of Directors: Kiyotaka Hoshinaga; hereinafter “Fujita Health University”), Atransen Pharma Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Osaka-shi, Osaka; CEO: Tomoyuki Asano; hereinafter “Atransen Pharma”), Stella Pharma Corporation (Head Office: Osaka-shi, Osaka; President and COO: Koki Uehara; hereinafter “Stella Pharma”), and Fujita Corporation (Head Office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and President: Yoji Okumura, hereinafter “Fujita”).
This MOU is intended to contribute to the further development of cancer treatment through the sharing of expertise and knowledge possessed by the five parties.
BNCT has previously been restricted in the depth to which neutrons can be safely and effectively delivered, limiting its application to treatment of tumors at a maximum depth of 6–8 cm from the body surface. The aim of this initiative is to adapt BNCT to deeper-seated tumors by leveraging the strengths of the five parties (see table below) and solving the issue of BNCT. Research and development will be conducted toward joint implementation of clinical trials.

Role of each company
Company/Organization name Role
Sumitomo Heavy Industries Provide cutting edge technology based on the company’s extensive experience in development and manufacturing of BNCT equipment
Fujita Health University Provide human resources with a high level of expertise, based on the university’s track record of clinical research as a medical institution pursuing effective cancer treatments
Atransen Pharma Develop and provide technologies for BNCT drugs maintaining concentration in cancer cells
Stella Pharma Provide the company’s knowledge and experience of pharmaceutical research and development for the development and the manufacturing of BNCT drugs
Fujita Construction of buildings using low-activation concrete suitable for BNCT equipment, in addition to extensive experience in hospital construction

Going forward, SHI will continue efforts for the future of cancer treatment through technical innovation in BNCT.

[Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT)]
BNCT is a kind of cancer radiation therapy. With this treatment, the cancer patient is administered a boron-containing drug for BNCT which contains boron-10. After the drug is selectively taken up by cancer cells, the cancer is irradiated with low-energy neutrons from outside the body.
The boron-10 nuclide captures the neutron causes a nuclear reaction. Due to this reaction, α particles (nuclei of helium atoms) and Li recoil nuclei (nuclei of lithium atoms) are emitted with an energy that causes cell damage. The emitted charged particles have very short ranges of 9 μm and 4 μm, respectively, and that ranges correspond to about the size of a single cell.
Due to the above characteristics, there is theoretically almost no damage to the surrounding normal cells, and this enables selective destruction at the cell level of the cancer cells that have taken up boron-10.