Unauthorized Access to SHI servers

February 09, 2024

Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. announces that unauthorized access has occurred to a part of our group’s servers.
While receiving advice from external experts, we are putting maximum effort toward investigating the extent of this unauthorized access’s effects and achieving a quick recovery. We predict that we will need some time before understanding the full picture and the cause of the damage, but the following is an account of what we have determined at this time.
We sincerely apologize for the great worry and inconvenience this has caused to our business partners and all related parties.

1. Details
We confirmed the unauthorized access to a Group server on Sunday, February 4, 2024. We immediately began an investigation with assistance from external experts and are putting efforts toward recovery operations.

2. Current Situation and Future Handling
In order to respond to this damage, we scanned all group servers and computers, and immediately separated the servers requiring quarantine from the internal network. Furthermore, while receiving cooperation from external experts, we are currently conducting an investigation into information leakage. We will provide further reports when the detailed situation is understood, and are working to minimize the inconvenience to all parties to the furthest extent possible.

3. Impact on business performance
We are carefully investigating the effect this event will have on our earnings forecast. Moving forward, if it is determined that there has been a major effect on earnings, we will promptly make this information available.