1200 ton Lift Goliath Crane Delivered to Oshima Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
February 25, 2015
Sumitomo Heavy Industries Material Handling Systems Co., Ltd. (headquarters: Shinagawa, Tokyo; President: Katsuhide Yokota; wholly owned subsidiary of Sumitomo Heavy Industries) have delivered a 1200 ton Lift Goliath Crane to Oshima Shipyard, Oshima Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (headquarters: Saikai, Nagasaki; President: Nobuyuki Minami), which has one of the largest lifting capacities in Japan.
Goliath Cranes are mainly used for placing large blocks in the dry dock during ship construction. We have extensive delivery records of these cranes. This is the second 1200 ton Lift Goliath Crane we delivered to Oshima Shipyard and the two cranes will greatly enhance safe, stable and efficient ship construction.
We are continuing to make great efforts to create efficient products for customers around the world.