Proton Therapy Systems

The SHI Group strives to promote advanced cancer treatment.
Radiation therapy is one of the three major cancer treatment methods, and it is becoming popular as a cancer treatment method that is gentle on the body. Proton beam therapy is a type of radiation therapy. By taking advantage of its excellent physical dosage characteristics, it can supply a sufficient dosage of radiation to the targeted cancer tissue while reducing the dosage of radiation applied to normal tissue. Proton beam therapy is attracting significant attention in Japan and overseas, because it can be applied to various cases, for example in the treatment of diseases that are difficult to treat with other treatment methods, or where it is expected to be more effective than other treatment methods, or where it is more effective in improving quality of life (QOL) than other treatment methods.
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- 1Reliable accelerator technology for medical applications
The SHI Group developed cyclotrons for proton beam therapy by utilizing the accelerator technology that it has been developing since the early 1970s. In 1997, the SHI Group delivered the first proton beam therapy cancer treatment system to the National Cancer Center Hospital East. In 1998, the SHI Group commenced operations as Japan's first proton beam therapy cancer treatment facility to be installed in the hospital (and the second in the world). The system continues to offer stable operation to this day.
- 2Configuration of proton beam therapy systems
Proton beam therapy systems are comprised of an accelerator (cyclotron), an energy selection system, a beam transport system, and rotating gantry irradiation equipment (gantry, irradiation nozzle, and patient positioning equipment). (This system has been approved as medical equipment by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.)
- 3Compact and flexible layout
Placing the cyclotron and the compact gantry top and bottom helps to reduce the required building space significantly, and enables the development of an installation plan in locations where space is limited (in the case of the top-and-bottom layout type).
- 4A cyclotron to continuously supply high-intensity proton beams
This feature helps to shorten the beam irradiation time, leading to a reduction of the load on the patient, and it is highly adaptable for the irradiation of respiratory organs (such as the lungs or liver, etc.) and high-precision scanning methods.
Top and bottom installation layout Cyclotron (Aizawa Hospital Proton Therapy Center) - 5Selection of the beam expansion method (Wobbler method)/scanning method to cater to the disease
The multipurpose irradiation nozzle enables you to change the beam expansion method (Wobbler method)/scanning method for a short time without the exchange of hardware. It is possible to select the appropriate irradiation method to cater to the disease.
Beam expansion method Scanning method - 6Networks and support systems centered around Asia
The SHI Group has the networks of the facilities where our systems are delivered in Japan (four facilities), Taiwan (two facilities), and South Korea (one facility), and provides operations of cyclotrons, overall system maintenance and management, and after-sales service through the provision of information between facilities.
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