Safety and Health

Basic Views

Under the "SHI Group's Basic Philosophy of Safety and Health" adopted as our policy on safety and health, we are working to ensure the safety and health of all parties concerned, including our employees and support staff both inside and outside our premises.
Under this policy, we have formulated the Basic Safety Reform Plan in fiscal 2010 and have been strengthening our efforts to prevent occupational accidents and improve employee health. Since 2020, we have been implementing activities based on the 4th Action Plan.

SHI Group's Basic Philosophy of Safety and Health

The SHI Group will work in cooperation with labor and management to ensure that the "safety first" policy is upheld by all employees to create pleasant workplaces where they can work in healthy, safe, and secure environments, based on a spirit of respect for human beings.

Safety and Health Promotion System

organization chart

We discuss safety and health management organizations and basic measures at the Central Safety and Health Council, which is established as a consultation body for safety and health of companies and labor unions, and implement and follow up on measures at the safety and health committees of business establishments and business divisions.
At the Safety and Health Personnel Meeting, we formulate and implement basic policies and measures for the prevention of occupational accidents, and coordinate and unify major matters related to safety and health.


Expansion of ISO 45001 external certification

To ensure reliable operation of our occupational health and safety management systems, we have been promoting acquisition of ISO 45001 certification by external certification bodies at each of our sites, and approximately 50% of our major manufacturing sites in Japan have already acquired the certification. (As of October 2022)

Equipment/Machinery Safety

In addition to training workers on work procedures, we aim to create a work environment that is free from occupational accidents by proactively allocating our budget based on risk assessments to ensure that all our equipment and machines are made safer and will not injure workers even if they make mistakes.

Cutting Machine

  • Modified the existing motor cover to prevent finger entrapment
  • Changed to an interlocking guard with a sensor
  • Changed the removal of processed workpieces to be movable

Lathe-turning Machine

  • The machine will stop automatically if the guard is removed during machining.
  • An alarm will be activated if the safety sensor is disabled.

Safety Education

Occupational accidents will continue to happen unless each individual is able to predict hazards and avoid risks.
To improve the hazard-prediction capability of workers, we have introduced an education curriculum using hazard training and virtual reality in safety and health education.
From fiscal 2020, we are providing training for workers to increase their susceptibility to the risk of high-pressure gas and help them understand the importance of work procedures by introducing a device that demonstrates how hazardous it can be if their finger gets entrapped in an air cylinder.

Workers participating in safety training
Air cylinder breaking the entrapped wooden chopsticks made it look like a finger cut in half

FY2021 Occupational Accidents*1

Number of occupational accidents that occurred (number of accidents) Accident frequency rate*2 (%)
Employees/temporary workers 17 0.57
Support staff 11 0.73
Total 28 0.63
  • *1 Coverage:SHI and domestic group companies
  • *2 Accident frequency rate:Frequency of occupational accidents (number of deaths and injuries from occupational accidents per 1 million hours of actual labor)