Sumitomo Heavy Industries Modern, Ltd. Sumitomo Heavy Industries Modern, Ltd.
Environmental Protection Policy Environmental Protection Policy

▌ Basic Principles

It is an invariable rule that all persons living on this planet must protect it. The air, land and water must be protected from pollution for mankind and all living things to survive. Moreover, the importance of environmentally-conscious business has increased in recent years because of climate change concerns, etc.
As a member of the Sumitomo Heavy Industries Group, Sumitomo Heavy Industries Modern Ltd. promises to conduct business activities in ways that constructively protect the environment and resources, coexist with our hosting communities and contribute to the sustainable development of mankind and society.

▌ Basic Policy

  1. Prevent pollution by observing the environmental laws and regulations of state and local governments, and requirements demanded by industrial circles, communities, etc.
  2. Undertake energy conservation and strive to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases such as CO2, as a means for preventing mankind-induced climate change.
  3. Reduce waste in business activities and promote waste sorting and recycling.
  4. Strive to thoroughly eliminate waste by improving the quality and efficiency of work and operations.
  5. Set environmental goals and targets, periodically conduct environmental audits and reviews, and strive to continuously improve activities in order to realize this environmental policy.
  6. Strive to educate and enlighten each and every individual employee so as to enhance their awareness of the environment and spur them to take the initiative on their own to get involved with environmental protection activities.
  7. Make this environmental policy known to all employees and cooperating entities such as suppliers, and request their understanding and cooperation therewith.

Apr 1, 2022
Sumitomo Heavy Industries Modern, Ltd.
Yukio Kurokawa, President

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